Section: New Results

Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection based on an analysis of information flow control

In 2014, Laurent Georget has started his PhD thesis in the team, working on a subject related to the analysis of information flow control at the kernel level. The goal of his PhD thesis is to propose a formal semantics of the system calls for a real operating systems (namely Linux). This semantics will provide insights about these system calls in terms of information flow. This work will help us to test in a more systematic and efficient way, our reference implementation of a information monitor at the kernel level (Blare).

Blare allows monitoring information flow and identifies the flows that do not conform to a security policy that has been previously defined. Please notice that any explicit flows between OS objects (sockets, files, etc.) are monitored and that in consequence hidden channel attacks cannot be detected by this approach.

We have already developed a dedicated test framework for this software. However, each test written by the developer must be accompanied with the possible results in terms of information flows. The framework simply compares the effective result with the set of expected results. A test passes when the effective result belongs to the set of expected results, and fails otherwise. However, this strategy has turned to be less intuitive than expected. Some system calls must be tested by using several processes operating concurrently. In these cases, the scheduling of processes can produce many different scenarios that will translate quite differently in terms of information flows. To be more confident in our implementation, we really need a stronger and more formal path. The PhD thesis of Laurent Georget is trying to bridge the gap between Blare implementation and the interpretation of the results obtained by running the information flow monitor.

Malware characterization through information flow monitoring

Monitoring information flows consists in observing how pieces of information are disseminated in a given environment. At system level, it consists in intercepting actions performed by an application to deduce how the application disseminates information within the entire operating system. We have propose a new approach to classify and later detect applications infected by malware based on the way they disseminate their own data within an operating system. For this purpose, we first introduce a data-structure named System Flow Graph [thèse Rado to ref.] that offers a compact representation of how pieces of data flow inside a system. A system flow graph describes the external behavior of an application during one execution. Its construction requires no knowledge about the inner working of the application. The graph is built using Blare as an information-flow monitor and more precisely its produced log. We have presented in [25] how these graphs reveal helpful to understand malware behavior and thus why it can help an expert to give a diagnosis in case of intrusion.

Terminating-insensitive non-interference verification based on information flow control

In 2010-2011, we started an informal collaboration with colleagues from CEA LIST laboratory. This collaboration has turned into a reality by the funding of a PhD student (Mounir Assaf). This PhD thesis is about the verification of security properties of programs written in an imperative language with pointer aliasing (a subset of C language) by techniques borrowed from the domain of static analysis. One of the property of interest for the security field is called terminating-insensitive non-interference. Briefly speaking, when verified by a program, this property ensures that the content of any secret variable can not leak into public ones (for any terminating execution). However, this property is too strict in the sense that a large number of programs although perfectly secure are rejected by classical analyzers. Finally in 2014, Mounir Assaf enhanced his previous work on static analysis by introducing a method permitting to quantify information leakage in a C program. This approach requires a theoretical definition of the quantification of information flow leakage and is very promising.

Visualization of security events

The first part of this year was dedicated to tune a working prototype of ELVIS [38] in order to perform field trials with our partner DGA-MI. The prototype was largely well accepted. We were invited by the DGA-MI to present a poster in the Forum DGA Innovation 2014. We will also present ELVIS during the FIC 2014 in Lille on the Pôle Cyber-Défense area.

However, ELVIS also exhibited some limitations of our approach in the way multiple datasets are handled together. We therefore went for a new cycle of research whose objective is to enhance ELVIS in two ways: first to handle multiple datasets at the same time, and second to improve interactions so as to better fit with the processes in forensics. The results of our research lead to CORGI (Combination, Organization and Reconstruction through Graphical Interactions) [39] which was presented at VizSec 2014 (part of Vis 2014). CORGI improves ELVIS by introducing the concepts of values of interest that consist in interesting values found by an analyst and that can be used later to search and filter in the other datasets. They are an intuitive and efficient way to link various datasets while the analyst performs its tasks. An early prototype has been developed.

Control flow integrity

In [40] we have studied physical attacks that could disturb the normal execution of an embedded program of a smartcard. Such attacks can be performed using laser beams, electromagnetic glitches and can corrupt the flow of information or change the control flow of the program. We have studied the particular case of the control flow and we have developed software countermeasures that increase the robustness of the control flow. These countermeasures do not require any additional software or hardware external components which is useful for devices like smartcards whose architecture cannot be modified. The developed countermeasures have been validated with the help of the VIS model checker in order to verify that they do not disturb the original execution of the code.

Alert correlation in distributed systems

In large systems, multiple (host and network) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and many sensors are usually deployed. They continuously and independently generate notifications (event's observations, warnings and alerts). To cope with this amount of collected data, alert correlation systems have to be designed. An alert correlation system aims at exploiting the known relationships between some elements that appear in the flow of low level notifications to generate high semantic meta-alerts. The main goal is to reduce the number of alerts returned to the security administrator and to allow a higher level analysis of the situation. However, producing correlation rules is a highly difficult operation, as it requires both the knowledge of an attacker, and the knowledge of the functionalities of all IDSes involved in the detection process. In [50] , [47] , [36] , we focus on the transformation process that allows to translate the description of a complex attack scenario into correlation rules. We show that, once a human expert has provided an action tree derived from an attack tree, a fully automated transformation process can generate exhaustive correlation rules that would be tedious and error prone to enumerate by hand. The transformation relies on a detailed description of various aspects of the real execution environment (topology of the system, deployed services, etc.). Consequently, the generated correlation rules are tightly linked to the characteristics of the monitored information system. The proposed transformation process has been implemented in a prototype that generates correlation rules expressed in an attack description language called Adele.

In the context of the PhD of Mouna Hkimi, we propose a approach to detect intrusions that affect the behavior of distributed applications. To determine whether an observed behavior is normal or not (occurrence of an attack), we rely on a model of normal behavior. This model has been built during an initial training phase. During this preliminary phase, the application is executed several times in a safe environment. The gathered traces (sequences of actions) are used to generate an automaton that characterizes all these acceptable behaviors. To reduce the size of the automaton and to be able to accept more general behaviors that are close to the observed traces, the automaton is transformed. These transformations may lead to introduce unacceptable behaviors. Our current work aims at identifying the possible errors tolerated by the compacted automaton.